The Story of the Tolkien Ensemble by Caspar Reiff
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) Part 5 (Part 6)

The Tolkien Ensemble arriving at Burg Königstein early in the morning to find the gate shut (picture from 2007)
We were now ready to go on summer tour in Germany with Star Entertainment. The first concerts took place in the year 2007 in Burg Königstein near Frankfurt, at Wörthersee Seebühne in Austria and in Zitadelle Spandau in Berlin. Christopher Lee performed at all three concerts with us in these highly succesful concerts conducted by Jörg Iwer with The Hollywood Orchestra and Chor des Auenlandes.

The German conductor Jörg Iwer

The Tolkien Ensemble in concert at Burg Königstein 2007
The Canadian artist and world-famous Tolkien illustrator Ted Nasmith granted his permission for us to use his illustrations on big screen during the concerts. I had known Ted for many years as a personal friend, and it meant a lot to me to finally be able to combine our artistic work based on The Lord of the Rings.

Manager of Star Entertainment, Mr. Jaka Bizilj interviewing Christopher Lee before the Burg Königstein concert, 2007

Preparations for the concert at Zitadelle Spandau in Berlin, summer 2007

Opening of the Zitadelle Spandau concert

Concert picture from the Zitadelle Spandau concert 2007

Nick Keir singing the Billy Boyd song Home is behind the world ahead at Zitadelle Spandau 2007

The Tolkien Ensemble leaving the stage with Christopher Lee (Zitadelle Spandau 2007)

Official press photo of the Tolkien Ensemble 2007. From the left: Dénise Stockman, Jenny Siri Dreijer, Tine Skat Matthiessen, Katja Nielsen, Øyvind Ougaard, Morten Ryelund, Nick Keir, Peter Hall, Caspar Reiff & Christopher Lee. (In the background conductor Jörg Iwer and The Hollywood Orchestra)
part 6 -->